PostHeaderIcon Shaken mango juice.

Ingredients (for 1 cup).
1 ripe mango results.
Warm water 3 / 4 cup
Sugar 1 tsp.
Salt 1 / 4 tsp.

How do
Ripe mangoes to the shell casing and clean ball and slice meat keeps both sides. The remaining pellet discarded.
The mango, chopped into small pieces and put in blender with sugar and salt into warm water.
Mango mixture into the blender until homogeneous. Paul may be spinning out a little thick. That if someone like drinking any liquid. I add water to approximately 1 / 2 cup sugar and is not that a bit more time together.
G Paul finished spinning. I only drink cup instant fix for the thirst Add fresh body good. If you like, or eat cold. Be refrigerated overnight, then it has to drink.

Note: Mango both vitamin A and vitamin C. As well as fiber. , And various minerals. As calcium, phosphorus, iron and thiamine two B niacin also contains beta carotene. To help eyesight. Skin look radiant and bright.

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